Why should I upgrade to a Premium report?

The premium report offers additional insight into your personal credit score and provides a complete breakdown of your credit profile and history including:

  • All your current & previous loans
  • All your listed retail accounts
  • Your detailed credit profile
  • Your detailed payment history
  • If you have judgements against your name & who listed the judgments against you
  • Who has looked into your credit profile
  • Your last known employment details
  • Your last known physical address

The premium report comes packed with all of the above information, including detailed explanations for all the information on the report. This is the exact same information that lenders see when they look into your credit profile. 

We have once-off and ongoing monthly monitoring plans. You will find our pricing both affordable and reasonable, so upgrade now to unlock all the premium features.

The video below will show you how you can use My Credit Status to get a great credit score:

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